Providing practical policy solutions locally and nationally through research and student training is the focus of Professor Flavio Menezes as the newly appointed Director of The University of Queensland’s Australian Institute of Business and Economics (AIBE).

Professor Flavio Menezes will commence the role as Director of AIBE in May, with strong academic and industry ties as a Professor of Economics at UQ and the Chair of the Queensland Competition Authority.
Professor Menezes said he is looking forward to implementing his vision for AIBE to be an institute that integrates and transforms research and student training into real-world solutions to cover local issues of significance in Queensland, as well as nationally and internationally.
“I look forward to commencing the role and doing the two things I enjoy the most – applying cutting-edge research to address live issues in business and economic policy, as well as coaching, mentoring and training our students so that they are ready to face the job market,” said Professor Menezes.
“AIBE is in a unique position to leverage talented researchers in business and economics at UQ to produce relevant research to government and industry, while helping students develop their professional skills and produce outcomes that are valued by the community.”
The training will also give students the opportunity to contribute to a variety of projects across energy transition, the regulation of digital platforms, carbon markets, aged care reform and innovation policy.
UQ Business, Economics and Law (BEL) Faculty Associate Dean, Professor Martie-Louise Verreynne said that Professor Menezes’ leadership to co-design and implement a reinvigorated vision and mission for AIBE is strongly welcomed by the team.
“The appointment will allow Professor Menezes to develop and promote the significant research strengths in the BEL Faculty and put these research strengths in a sharper focus to achieve national and international impact and profile,” said Professor Verreynne.
“I welcome Professor Menezes to the role with his significant experience engaging with industry and government and has provided economic advice to private and public organisations on competition and regulatory issues in areas such as defence, electricity, banking, health, transport and telecommunications.”