The Australian Government has appointed the Director of The University of Queensland’s Australian Institute for Business and Economics (AIBE), Professor Flavio Menezes, to the Australian Competition Tribunal.

A distinguished researcher and competition economics expert, Professor Menezes was one of 3 individuals appointed to the Tribunal as part-time members for a 5-year term.
Professor Menezes said he was honoured to be selected for this prestigious role.
“I am excited to contribute my expertise in markets and competition, underpinned by rigorous research and policy experience, to help the Tribunal fulfill its statutory role,” he said.
“Markets will play a pivotal role in this extensive reallocation of resources that will underpin the transition to net zero and, thus, competition will be more important than ever. The Tribunal plays an important review role under the Competition and Consumer Act.”
In addition to his role as Director of AIBE, Professor Menezes is Chair of the Queensland Competition Authority and a member of the NDIA’s Pricing Arrangement Reference Group.
His previous positions include Head of the UQ School of Economics, President of the Economic Society of Australia (Queensland), member of the Advisory Board of the Australian Government’s Deregulation Taskforce, and Director of the Australian Centre of Regulatory Economics at Australian National University.
The Tribunal is an independent statutory tribunal with jurisdiction under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 to hear a variety of applications, particularly reviews of determinations made by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and the Treasurer.
Other members include The Hon. Sarah Derrington, Judge of the Federal Court of Australia and former Dean of Law at UQ.
Find out more about the recent appointments to the Tribunal.
Contact: Professor Flavio Menezes;; +61 7 344 31279