SLC informed the participants on the proposed development of certain areas within Greater Springfield according to accessible housing principles. AIBE delivered a presentation on the economics of accessible housing, and collected feedback on the proposed feasibility study of the project. Subsequent discussions covered construction design, the target market, and costs and benefits of the project.
As the next step, SLC and AIBE will seek private- and public-sector funding for the proposed feasibility study. The obtained feedback will be taken into account in the study design. Forum participants will be kept informed on the project developments, with a view of holding another forum once the study is finalised. SLC and AIBE would like to thank all participants for their attendance and contributions.
Forum documents can be obtained via the links below:
• agenda and list of participants
• presentation by Professor John Mangan, Director of AIBE
• presentation by Terry Kearney, Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Education and Health), SLC