Land restoration and achieving sustainable development goals

2 Oct 2019

report coverFinding new pathways towards sustainable management

Dr Isabel B. Franco, researcher at AIBE, has contributed to the latest think piece by the United Nations International Resource Panel, a scientific panel which aims to build knowledge on sustainable development from a natural resources perspective. The report addresses one of the sustainable development goals agreed to by the world’s nations as part of the United Nations' 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Dr Franco's contribution provides science-policy options on the socio-economic linkages between land restoration and the Sustainable Development Goal 16, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions (SDG 16).

Peace, justice and strong institutions

The piece shows how general co-benefits and land restoration can foster fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising from land restoration. It also argues that addressing land restoration issues in alignment with the SDG 16 will have extra benefits of reducing risks and overcoming existing trade-offs in conflict environments.

Other co-benefits such as reduction of violence, child labour, illegal land use, bribery and the fostering of accountability, inclusive participation, stronger institutions and protection of fundamental rights over land are some of the added benefits of land restoration in line with SDG 16.

Maximising the benefits of land restoration

The piece presents specific strategies for maximizing the benefits of land restoration, namely mobilization and allocation of resources, restoration implementation and new pathways for dispute resolution and international support for capacity-building in the justice system. Implementing such strategies can help stakeholders involved in land restoration disputes overcome possible risks, trade-offs and the costs of land restoration.


Franco, I.B. and Ali, S.H. (2019). 3.16 Land restoration for achieving SDG 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. In Jeffrey E. Herrick and Tanya Abrahamse (Ed.), Land restoration for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals: an international resource panel think piece (pp. 111-115) Nairobi, Kenya: United Nations Environment Programme.
